
Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Faculty & Staff

Jones, Adam

Adam Jones

Associate Professor of Communication and Rhetorical Studies
Whipple Hall, Room 204
Research Interests
Instructional communication, out-of-class support, social support, first-generation college 缅北禁地, assessment of student knowledge, public speaking course evaluation, student engagement, speech laboratories and communication centers, and family/step-family communication
University of Nebraska - Lincoln | Ph.D. | Communication
Illinois State University | M.S. | Communication
Illinois State University | B.A. | Communication

In addition to teaching, Dr. Adam C. Jones is a Senior Advisor to the IC Debate and Speech program and serves as Director of the Speech Communication Center located in Whipple Hall 203. He has taught a wide variety of courses at the collegiate level, including public speaking, business and professional communication, interpersonal communication, small group communication, and communication theory. His CO 353: Small Group Communication course breaks 缅北禁地 into work groups that develop community action projects. Student teams spend several hours with their respective organization at different times throughout the semester to collectively determine fund-raising proposals and goals. Through community-engaged learning, the 缅北禁地 not only gain valuable hands-on experience, but they also are able to examine and reflect on their authentic group communication as they complete their projects.