
Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Faculty & Staff

Oldenburg, Christopher

Christopher Oldenburg

Professor of Communication and Rhetorical Studies, Department Chair
Whipple Hall, Room 207
Research Interests
The rhetoric of the Catholic Church, narrative and American political discourse, Children鈥檚 Literature, and William Jennings Bryan.
University of Memphis | Ph.D.
University of Dayton | M.A
University of Dayton | B.A.

Christopher J. Oldenburg teaches courses in Rhetorical Theory, Rhetorical Criticism, and Public Address. He enjoys introducing 缅北禁地 to the rhetorical tradition and the liberal arts and helping 缅北禁地 discover their rhetorical selves. He is the author of The Rhetoric of Pope Francis: Critical Mercy and Conversion for the Twenty-First Century (Lexington Books 2018), as well as a number of articles appearing in the KB Journal (Kenneth Burke Journal), Communication Studies, Southern Communication Journal, Presidential Studies Quarterly, and Journal for the History of Rhetoric.